Pastured Pork Sausage Arrived Today

Yum!  In our freezer now, heritage breed pastured pork sausage from our partners at Rain Crow Ranch.

No nitrates, MSG or bad stuff.  We’ve got Italians, Brats and Sweets.  Just $6.50 for a 1 lb package of four links!

Here’s more info about their piggies:

Heritage Pork

Why Every Commercial Salad Dressing is a Health Hazard

Avoid Soybean and Canola oils

Good post here from RealFood Forager, reminding us to avoid Omega 6 laden polyunsaturaed industrial vegetable oils, ie oils from soybean, canola, corn, etc.  These can also be found in most processed foods you’ll find on the supermarket aisles.

Healthy oil salad dressings are simple and cheap to make – be sure you know the olive oil is pure – or there are several excellent commercially sold ones, including Bragg’s dressings which are available at our store.

Also this article has a good reminder about ensuring your meats have a proper Omega 3/6 balance, which you will find in 100% grass-fed and not in the grain-fed, never mind the hormones and anti-biotics.

Interesting info about rosemary

Sniffing Rosemary has recently been scientifically proven to improve memory.  But wait, this is not a new idea. In 1601, Shakespeare writes his play, “Hamlet,” and Ophelia remarks, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance: pray you, love, remember.” And then in 1652, English herbalist Nicholas Culpeper wrote, about rosemary: “Helps a weak memory and quickens the senses. The chemical [essential] oil drawn from the leaves and flowers, is a sovereign help…touch the temples and nostrils with two or three drops.”

Read the full article here: